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NSF funds UCSB-led Biofoundry to revolutionize biotechnology with unexplored microbes

By August 29, 2024 Osteopathy

This week, the National Science Foundation announced the award of a six-year, $22M grant to UC Santa Barbara under its biofoundries program for the establishment of the BioFoundry for Extreme and Exceptional Fungi, Archaea and Bacteria (ExFAB), a collaboration led by UC Santa Barbara (UCSB), together with UC Riverside (UCR), and Cal Poly Pomona (CPP). ExFAB establishes the nation’s first biofoundry that focuses on largely untapped and unexplored extreme microbes. UCSB’s award is one of only five grants made under NSF’s BioFoundry program during this funding cycle, which awarded a total of $75M to the five selected universities.

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